Sunday 28 June 2009

Barco Antiguo, Marbella, Spain

Dive #70 Depth: 5.5m Time: 37min

Dive #71 Depth: 5.5m Time: 37min

Found the boat this time. 

Visibility terrible.

Continuous education assistance - National Geographic course
Peak Performance Buoyancy

Friday 19 June 2009

Female Cuckoo Wrasse - Labrus mixtus

The female has an orange head, body and tail with a black stripe on the dorsal fin.
It has the ability to change sex when there are no males present in the area (pretty useful).

Male Cuckoo Wrasse - Labrus mixtus

The male colouration changes during the breeding season. At the start of the season the head is blue with a blue body and orange pattern and blue tail. The body colouration gradually changes to an orange head and body with a blue pattern that may is more pronounced at the head.